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New 4Life Patent

New 4Life Patent
Salt Lake City, UT (April 19, 2023) 4Life recently obtained a fifth patent for 4Life Transfer Factor Renuvo. The patent protects the how 4Life Transfer Factor works with other natural ingredients.

Senior Vice President of Marketing Kelly Bellerose: “Patents protect our unique formulas and give our products a competitive edge in the marketplace. Renuvo is one of our top sellers, so this latest patent is worth celebrating!”

4Life now holds 17 U.S. patents and 65 international patents—with dozens more pending. Patents protect 4Life products, formulas, and processes. This most recent Renuvo patent will be valid for 14 years.

Chief Science Officer David Vollmer: “4Life patents are designed to protect our business today, tomorrow, and for years to come. We are a generational company. The science and research we conduct is to further our understanding of transfer factors as a world leader in the immune system sciences.”

4Life, the Immune System Company, and the first to bring transfer factor research to market, has offices in dozens of countries to serve the company’s worldwide customers.

For more information:
Calvin Jolley
Vice President
Corporate Communications
[email protected]